About 500 entrepreneurs, representatives of central and local public authorities, as well as of business support institutions participated today, November 28, 2019, at the International SME Conference, with the generic “GREEN MOLDOVA”, conducted by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Organization for the Development of the Sector of Small and Medium Enterprises (ODIMM). The twelfth edition of the Conference aimed to align the business environment with the principles of a Green Economy – by adopting a responsible model of sustainable development, with the sustainable use of the resources reserved for future generations. At the opening of the conference, Iulia COSTIN, Managing Director of ODIMM said that today’s event is a unique and excellent platform for facilitating dialogue between representatives of central public authorities and the business environment to discussions on the process of greening SMEs, and, In particular, the key actions for aligning the business community with the new trends of the world economy. Dorin ANDROS, State Secretary in the field of regional and rural development within the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, mentioned that the principles of the green economy are reflected in the mechanisms regarding the granting of subsidies for entrepreneurs aiming to respect the national standards on environmental protection. “The implementation of the green economy is of great interest for us, including by promoting the following areas of intervention: protection, red killing pollution and rational use of water resources, soil conservation, promoting organic farming and waste management ”. The conference ended with the award ceremony of the winners of the national contests “The best entrepreneur in the SME sector” and “SME – Social Responsibility Model”. The International SME Conference is organized annually by the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure in partnership with the Organization for the Development of the Small and Medium Enterprises Sector.